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本文以赣州市章贡区工业园某时期IKONOS影像数据为基础,采用Brovey变换,G-S变换,PC变换,P-S变换4种方法进行融合比较,然后通过主观和客观两方面对融合效果进行对比评价。通过实验对比分析可得,4种融合方法均提高了影像的纹理光谱信息,但P-S变换法融合的IKONOS影像效果突出,较高程度地保持了纹理和分辨率的空间信息,是保持空间信息综合效应的最佳方法。  相似文献   
Comparative studies of co-occurring species using overlapping resources may help in understanding the mechanisms supporting biotic diversity in species-rich regions, such as the Mediterranean region of Europe. Three Papilionidae butterflies, Archon apollinus, Zerynthia cerisy and Zerynthia polyxena, develop on Aristolochia plants and co-occur in Greek Thrace. We used mark–recapture to describe adult demography and dispersal, and searched for eggs and larvae to assess host plants and microhabitat preferences. Adult flight timing followed a sequence from earliest A. apollinus, through Z. polyxena to late Z. cerisy; this was more prominent in 2010 (warm early spring) than in 2011 (cold delayed spring). Population densities were highest for A. apollinus and lowest for Z. cerisy, whereas dispersal ability followed a reverse pattern. Adults of all three species crossed distances > 3 km and used all habitat types present. Four Aristolochia host plants were used at the study locality: small Aristolochia pallida, intermediate Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia hirta, and bulky, late-sprouting Aristolochia clematitis. Both A. apollinus and Z. polyxena used all four Aristolochia species, the former preferring Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia hirta, the latter Aristolochia rotunda and Aristolochia pallida. Zerynthia cerisy did not use the early-growing Aristolochia pallida while frequently using the late-growing Aristolochia clematitis. Further parameters affecting oviposition were biotope and canopy closure: early A. apollinus tolerated shady sites but late Z. cerisy avoided them. The simultaneous use of several host plants differing in phenology and habitat requirements, combined with rather high dispersal ability, arguably buffers the butterflies’ population dynamics against yearly variation in weather, while allowing efficient occupation of the diverse Mediterranean landscapes. The regional habitat diversity, created during millennia of human activity, is currently threatened by land abandonment, which may diminish the resource base for the studied butterflies.  相似文献   
提出一种面向大规模数据的特征趋势推理算法. 首先, 采用Hash函数抽取大规模数据样本, 使用Pam聚类算法和并行K means聚类算法对大规模数据样本进行聚类, 获取最佳聚类结果后, 提取大规模数据聚类的动态特征; 其次, 采用基于特征趋势规则的推理算法, 构建大规模数据特征的趋势规则推理模型, 并通过累计趋势规则方法设计趋势规则算法, 推理大规模数据特征趋势, 解决了推理结果误差较大的问题. 实验结果表明, 该算法对大规模数据特征趋势推理的准确率均值为98.10%, 推理速度增长率为50%, 推理耗时最大均值仅为114.25 s, 能快速准确地完成数据特征趋势推理.  相似文献   
针对快速图像特征区域检测受噪声干扰和尺度空间影响, 导致图像特征区域检测精度较低、 延时较长, 检测结果不可靠的问题, 提出一种基于尺度不变特征变换的快速图像特征区域检测方法. 先通过加权核函数, 加权平滑处理图像中各像素点, 实现图像去噪; 再在此基础上通过构建图像高斯尺度空间确定图像特征点区域, 删除低对比度像素点和边缘像素点, 快速提取图像特征点, 检测特征点所在区域即为图像特征区域. 仿真实验结果表明, 该方法能高效率、高精度地实现快速图像特征区域检测的全面检测.  相似文献   
针对低轨星座协同探测弹道目标过程中存在系统误差的问题,提出多星载光学传感器系统误差极大似然配准(maximum likehood registration,MLR)算法。通过一阶Taylor近似对非线性量测转换线性化,推导出目标状态的误差协方差与卫星轨道定向、姿态角测量和传感器测量等随机误差的关系,并基于视线交叉获得观测在状态空间中的近似投影,从而将MLR算法扩展到低轨星座多光学传感器的误差配准。通过引入各类测量误差的先验信息对目标状态的误差协方差进行修正,利用期望极大化迭代,实现了对系统误差的无偏有效估计及目标轨迹的融合估计。仿真验证了所提算法的有效性,且配准性能优越。  相似文献   
针对具有不确定性的并发故障诊断问题,提出基于属性权重和权衡分析的置信规则库(belief rule base, BRB)诊断方法。以属性权重大小来表示属性与特定故障模式之间的相关性,设计能够反映故障模型约束的基于差分进化的优化算法,通过相邻故障模式置信度与预设阈值的权衡分析完成对并发故障诊断。该方法仅需构造单个置信规则库来有效处理各种不确定性信息,与已有研究方法相比极大地降低了建模复杂度。诊断结果不仅能得到故障的并发情况,还可分辨故障的主次关系,并且建模和推理过程开放,可解释性强。最后以船用柴油机的并发故障诊断作为实例,验证了所提方法能够有效的诊断出并发故障并且模型具有较好的稳定性。  相似文献   
偏振图像伪彩色融合对提高视觉感知和目标判读具有重要意义,利用空间调制型全偏振参量矩阵的低秩和稀疏特性,提出基于贝叶斯概率鲁棒性矩阵分解融合方法。首先,根据偏振调制和解析算法构造偏振参量矩阵,同时合成强度图像;其次,对参量矩阵进行基于改进的贝叶斯概率参量矩阵分解,降低背景噪声和亮度变化等干扰,分别获得参量图像的稀疏和低秩成分;然后利用方差、清晰度和信息熵进行模糊积分,获得显著性参量图像,与合成强度图像一起进行像素级增强;最后,经直方图规定化和IHS颜色映射,得到伪彩色融合结果。实验选择多种材质与目标的仿真和实测数据进行验证,通过主观视觉效果和客观指标比较,验证了其有效性。  相似文献   
Media based modulation(MBM)is expected to be a prominent modulation scheme,which has access to the high data rate by using radio frequency(RF)mirrors and fewer transmit antennas.Associated with multiuser multiple input multiple output(MIMO),the MBM scheme achieves better performance than other conventional multiuser MIMO schemes.In this paper,the massive MIMO uplink is considered and a conjunctive MBM transmission scheme for each user is employed.This conjunctive MBM transmission scheme gathers aggregate MBM signals in multiple continuous time slots,which exploits the structured sparsity of these aggregate MBM signals.Under this kind of scenario,a multiuser detector with low complexity based on the compressive sensing(CS)theory to gain better detection performance is proposed.This detector is developed from the greedy sparse recovery technique compressive sampling matching pursuit(CoSaMP)and exploits not only the inherently distributed sparsity of MBM signals but also the structured sparsity of multiple aggregate MBM signals.By exploiting these sparsity,the proposed CoSaMP based multiuser detector achieves reliable detection with low complexity.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed CoSaMP based multiuser detector achieves better detection performance compared with the conventional methods.  相似文献   
游戏作弊对网络游戏危害很大,目前反作弊技术的瓶颈是效率低并且过多依赖于签名匹配。提出一种高效且不依赖于签名匹配的游戏作弊检测系统,用工作流网对作弊行为建模,通过流程树对作弊行为模型进行融合,在不影响检测结果的前提下节省存储空间。用热门网游的作弊软件对系统进行实验,存储空间降低率达到约60%,证明了该系统框架是可行、有效的。  相似文献   
多元触觉和沉浸式视觉反馈的时空一致性配准以及现有VR软件框架中硬件设备的接入便捷性问题,制约了医疗、商务、娱乐等不同行业中视触觉融合场景的快速开发。为解决这一难题,提出融合多元触觉和沉浸式视觉的可移植VR软件框架,根据视触觉反馈精度要求的不同设计了双层和三层架构兼顾视觉渲染、触觉渲染、硬件控制的不同需求。实验结果表明该框架具有支持视-触融合同步反馈、硬件平台可移植、图形场景开发简便和交互场景可快速替换等特点,能够满足不同领域的交互应用需求。  相似文献   
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